i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Yuka: Lol, my makeup very thick meh! Hahahahs.
Howard: Hello kindergarden frieeeeend,
Omg, she must have like amaaaaazing memory.
Goodness! I feel so paiseh!
Mandy: Hahahahs, and i thought i did change alot!
Thank you! you're so sweeeet :D
Bobo: Yeah! Shop onlineeeeee~
hahahs and thank you!
Passerby: Why everyone guess correctly ah!
Audrey: Thanks babe!
Yeah, i need more clubbing khakis!
Melanie: Hahahs, I'm only 158cm!
It really depends on what kinda theme
your photographer is looking at?
Eg, for fashion shoots/runway obviously
very hard for me to do.
Leon: Awwwww, Love you.
Min: How you know?!
Hehehe, thanks babe! (:
Sher: You're right loh! Why everyone eyes so sharp ah!
Thanks dear! (:
Anon7764: Thanks dear! :D
Siewyin: Omg, are you seriously?
How come? Are you were IE or firefox?
And thanks, sweetie!
Huiting: Thanks babe! Hahahahas.
is hair the 1st thing you always notice?!
Min: Hahahahs, you're so cute!
Sorry for the late update! :D
Some of you were msn-ing me, nudging me to update my bloooog!
Anyway, so many of you guess correctly
which one was the mini-fidelis!
Zzz, i thought nobody will recognize me cos i got that stupid,
I-KENA-SHOCKED expression in that picture.
Dunno to cry or laugh! :x
4th July:
Boyfriend brought me to a Japanese Restaurant
and had a heavy yummy dinner! *Slurps saliva*
I've a constant craving for japanese cuisine.
Then he brought me back to his house,
and we got down to record a duet, 四人游 - 方大同Feat.薛凯琪
It's not done yet, it's really tiring to record a duet. :x
Anyway, then suddenly he received a msg
from Ezat and he quickly deleted it!
Then i was like, hmmmm....
Then at 11.45pm he was like, ahhh so tired already,
Come we go mac eat some supper!
So i was like, hmmm.. ok, so maybe nth weird is going on.
Reached mac and saw all my darlings waiting for meeeee!
Thanks Shirley, Felicia, Yuanqing, Florella,
Danny, Ezat, XM, Trizy for coming and surprising me!
You guys are really sweeeeet! (:
Totally made me day.. erm.. night?
Whatever! I love you guys!
Althought it was so super duper sweet of him to arrange this.
And it's like he didnt have my friend's number so he went
to friendster to msg them one by one!
Awwwww. Bluuuuur, dunno how to wait when i'm not looking
and take my phone to steal their contacts! Lol.
Anyway, the EVIL boyf part,
He went to buy those sickening forever cannot blow out candles,
and have those sparkles somemore, SO SCARY CAN?!
And everyone made me stand one the chair and blow
from there somemore.
Walao, blow until i'm totally out of breath.

Felicia, my dearest auntie!
Up and ready to smack my head right into the lovely strawberry cake!
I look super unglam in the video. Pouts.
I had to take out the candle with my mouth,
Hehehhe, anyway, chatted with my girls till 1-2am and they had to go.
Then join my guyfriends with their mens talk!
Dan was like talking to me about cosmetics,
and his modelling career in the past.
And i had to go home at 3plus cos mum was nagging,
and my contacts was killing me, sooooo dry!
5th July:
Boyfriend die die also wanna meet me at 12.
It's so early loh! I normally sleep until 12-1plus one leh!
imagine meet 12 = wake up at 10plus to prepare. !@#$%
Anyway, I got into the car and started talking and talking.
then he said: "you don't miss your bunny ah!"
(Turn to look at the backseat)
And i saw this...
Awww, my bunny hugging my flowers!
18 years old = 18 stalk of roses, 17 pink, 1 deep red.
I love flooooowers!
Boyf always do silly things to my bunny,
like, strap her into the seatbelt when i'm not in the car etc. :x
I'm damn freaking possesive, i know!

And we went to watch 10 Promises To My Dog.
It's was so so so heart warming and sad.
I'm like a total crybaby and i cried like siao.
Eh, but not only me alright,
During the really sad parts you can hear the whole cinema,
blowing nose, the rustling sound of people digging out
tissue paper from their bag etc.
So sad, I'm so totally gonna get the cd when it comes
out and watch it like a thousand times over.
The main character, the golden retriever is called Socks!
超超超可爱的咯! Quick go watch before the movie is over!
We went to Liang Court for japanese food again!
We were damn shag cos of lack of sleep so we went home 1st!
And i bought some glittery nailart thingy from PS,
And i painted it all over his toe nails! Wahahaha.
I think i enjoy making my boyf look like a tranny or some sort.
the more ridiculous he look, the harder i laugh.
I think nobody dare to be my boyfriend already.
oh wells! The other day i was doing makeup for boyf!
Hahahahas! And garett barged into the room and
saw what i was doing and he went
:"walao eh! disgusting leh! @#$%^&"
We were going to Zouk/Phuture that night
so he wanted to sleep for awhile but i kept him up
during his precious few hours of sleep.
I'm a restless animal!
And i keep bugging and annoying him to his death!
Anyway, We went to pick up my darling Shirley.
Although she's my most annoying friend,
she could bug the hell out of me.
but she's so funny and i adore her to bits.
I was busy styling my hair, Shirley goh!
You really know how to pick the time to snap yeah?!
I've been such a good girl okay.
I haven't stepped into a club for the past 6 mths,
except Agri's party at Thumper and Oosh's
one year anniversary with Esther!
So my birthday, must have fuuuuuun!
Got boyfriend to take care of me, so nevermind luh!
We met boyf's brother garett, his girlfriend, Marc & girlfriend
and some other friends there!
Considering me being such a bad drinker,
I had a shooter, and almost a jug of bourbon coke.
then i got drunk, already very good already!
That garett lim lah! "Wahh fidel, birthday girl so lousy ah,
Drink abit, then cmi already ah?!"
Keep taunting me to drink! @#$%^&*
We're so reeeeeed.
Pervert lah, shirley goh. Always wanna squeeze people's neh neh.
Hahahahs, So i spend almost the whole night dancing
with boyf at one pathetic corner cos we didn't wanna
go into the super packed dancefloor. -.-
I was perpiring like shit. So i look like shit.
And i was like half drunk. -.-
I think garett's old already, you know what time he
started asking us if we wanna go back?! 1.30am!
MY OH MY! I used to party till the club closes at 4-5am man.
and he was asking me to go home at 1.30am?!
The party haven't even started yo!
2.30am: Starting to trip on my heels and getting very drunk.
Kua kua kua, i suck. I rmb talking a hell lot of rubbish.
Infact, i think i couldn't stop talking.
I was yakking on and yakking and tripping on my way to boyf's car.
At least i wasn't that drunk and face flat on the floor?!
Anyway, i got scared to death the other day,
guess i rubbed my eyes in the day and
my left contact lens prolly just popped out,
And i didn't notice it, since it's clear contacts what..
so.. i didn't realise until i reached home that afternoon
and wanted to take it off, and i couldn't find the lens!
I was practically digging around my eyeballs!
Super freaked out loh!
So i went to my optician like immediately and asked him to help me check,
But in the end didn't check cos he said that if no discomfort,
then should be too dry then it just popped out!
Goodness! I shouldn't have forgotten my tears lubricant.
Must remind myself to bring it out everytime already!
And i spent $120 on my one year clear contacts supply. Pouts.
Then, yesterday i went to choose a new colour for my room,
(hopefully can get it painted by this weeeek!)
Yay, boyfriend helping me paaaaint!
I chose Powder Pink and Cocoa Brown for my wall mural.
And i spend $115 on the paint/wall sealer and everything.
Pouts. I want more $$$ lah!
Yay! Tmr working for an keppel event with Jessica.
Ka-ching Ka-ching! $$$
Shall end this post with my sweetie meeko!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
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